All Natural
Botanical SkincarePatented, non-drying gentle skin solutions without any harmful ingredients
NATURAL SKINCARE infused with pure essential oils
Better health, better lives, and a better world. We’re using groundbreaking science, and a new approach to entrepreneurship to make life a little better for everyone.

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How to Keep Your Eyes Healthy and Maintain Good Eyesight?
5 WAYS TO KEEP YOUR SKIN AROUND YOUR EYES HEALTHY AND REDUCE AGING? The skin around your eyes is thinner and more delicate than the skin on the rest of your face. As a result, it is one of the first areas to show signs of aging. crow's feet, fine lines, and wrinkles...
HOW TO Fix Your Top Skin Complexion Problems
There are a number of ways to fix your top skin complexion problems. Read on for some solutions that work! Solution 1: Identify the Cause The first step is to identify the cause of your skin problems. This can be done by visiting a dermatologist or conducting a...
How to Tell If You Have Cool or Warm Skin Undertones
HOW TO TELL IF YOU HAVE COOL OR WARM SKIN UNDERTONES Many people struggle to find the right foundation shade for their skin, because determining your skintone is quite a challenge. I'm going to tell you how to determine if you have cool or warm undertones and...
10 Tips for Acne-Prone Skin
10 TIPS FOR ACNE-PRONE SKIN Acne is a common skin condition that affects people of all ages. Acne occurs when the pores on the skin become clogged with oil and dead skin cells. This can lead to inflammation and acne breakouts. There are many different factors that can...
Uneven Skin Tone: 15 Best Home Remedies
15 BEST HOME REMEDIES FOR UNEVEN SKIN TONE 1. Apply lemon juice: Lemon juice is a natural bleaching agent and helps to lighten skin tone. Apply fresh lemon juice to the affected area two times a day and leave it on for about 10 minutes. Then, wash it off with cold...
6 Common Medication Problems in Aging, & What You Can Do
6 COMMON SKIN MEDICATION PROBLEMS IN AGING, & WHAT YOU CAN DO As we age our skin changes in many ways, including how it responds to medications. This is especially important when using over the counter topical products or natural remedies for various health issues...
How to Minimize Post-Acne Marks (Scars)
What is the best and healthiest way to pop acne pimples? 6 Ways to Avoid Post-Acne Marks Tip 1: Be gentle when cleansing. When you are trying to get rid of acne, it is important to be gentle with your skin. Do not scrub or pick at the pimples, as this can lead to...
Guide to Popping Pimples the Right Way
Dermatologists and well-trained estheticians know how to safely pop pimples. They will usually remove a pimple by popping it with a sterile needle, and removing the contents with an instrument called a comedone extractor. Although it is safest to leave the pimple...
5 or More Foods that Promote Beautiful Skin
Foods for Great-looking Skin It has long been said that you are what you eat. Now, there is scientific evidence that this saying also applies to your skin. Here’s a look at some of the best foods for great-looking skin: • brightly coloured fruits and vegetables, such...
5 Surprising Health Challenges of Aging
Aging can bring about a number of physical changes, including skin changes. Here are five surprising skin-related health challenges associated with aging: 1. Dry Skin: As we age, our skin produces less oil, which can lead to dryness and itchiness. 2. Wrinkles: The...
Skincare for Men: 8 Essential Oils for Maintaining Your Beard
Beards go through a lot of wear and tear when they are washed, exposed to harsh chemicals, and when dead skin and dust accumulate in the hair. Our hair becomes stripped of its natural oils, which causes beards to become itchy, have dandruff and develop split ends....
How to Naturally Take Care of Your Hair and Scalp
Scalp health is not something that many people think about, but it is actually very important. Your scalp is the foundation of your hair and if it is not healthy, your hair will not be healthy either. Here are a few ways that you can naturally keep your scalp healthy:...
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