All Natural
Botanical SkincarePatented, non-drying gentle skin solutions without any harmful ingredients
NATURAL SKINCARE infused with pure essential oils
Better health, better lives, and a better world. We’re using groundbreaking science, and a new approach to entrepreneurship to make life a little better for everyone.

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Homemade Beauty Tips for Eyes: Learn How to Get Beautiful Eyes Naturally
HOMEMADE BEAUTY TIPS FOR EYES: LEARN HOW TO GET BEAUTIFUL EYES NATURALLY Eyes are considered by a lot of people to be a person's biggest asset. A clear, white eyes gives off sophistication and youthful look while the apparent absence of wrinkles adds an edge of...
TOP Common Beauty Myths EXPOSED!
There are many myths and old wives tales around skincare and beauty products. Here we aim to bust some of these myths and reveal the reality behind certain skincare conditions and beauty products. 1. Dandruff is caused by dry skin This is in fact not true,...
3 Natural Ways to Remove Your Makeup
Did you know that even if you use a make up remover, most of the time it is not going to remove all your makeup? Or sometimes it can probably irritate your skin or eyes especially when they are sensitive. A lot of people who have acne-prone and sensitive skin types...
Your Perfect Workout Skin Routine
While you are at the gym, yoga studio or dance hall looking after your body, you also want to be looking after your skin. Sweat and grim is going to build up on your skin, while you are working on those muscles, which can cause acne and blackheads if not treated...
When was the Last Time You Cleaned Your Makeup Brushes?
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, you should be cleaning your makeup brushes every two weeks. Not only will this help keep your skin healthy and free of bacteria, but it will also help your makeup look better and last longer. There are a few ways...
Attention seniors: Are your medicines causing skin problems and premature aging?
As people age, medical problems often arise that require ongoing medication. Unfortunately, some medications can cause side effects that affect the skin or other organs. By understanding these common issues and working with your doctor to solve them, you can prevent...
The Most Common Issues of SKIN Aging
The most common forms of skin aging are amongst others the following: #1) Loss of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid; #2) Breakdown of the epidermal barrier; #3) Decreased elasticity and water-holding capacity as well as an increase in transepidermal water loss...
3 Steps to Softer, Smoother, Healthier Lips
3 STEPS TO SOFTER, SMOOTHER, HEALTHIER LIPS When it comes to fighting chapped lips, there is no easier way than using lip balm. But what many people don't know is that overusing this product can actually make the problem worse. The following are three easy steps that...
How to Care for Your Sensitive Skin
HOW TO CARE FOR YOUR SENSITIVE SKIN 1. COCONUT According to the National Eczema Association , "Coconut oil has been found in multiple studies to be useful for atopic dermatitis, more commonly known as eczema." While many who suffer from eczema have a genetic...
Look No Further than These Essential Oils for Great Skin
10 Essential Oils for Gorgeous Skin 1. Lavender oil is great for skin that is dry or irritated. 2. Rose oil is perfect for aging skin, as it helps to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. 3. Tea tree oil is a powerful antibacterial agent, making it ideal for treating...
10 Easy Tips to Transform Tired Skin
10 TIPS FOR NATURALLY GLOWING SKIN It's an exciting time to be alive. We know that organic products are better for us and the planet; organic cotton reduces toxic chemical use; organic ingredients nourish skin instead of stripping it. So we've put together our top ten...
10 Things To Be Aware Of When Using Essential Oils
Essential oils are extracted through different methods from the leaves, barks, and rinds of certain plants. You can find them in many beauty products or use them in their pure form in creating your own creams or scrubs. Pure essential oils can also be rubbed into the...
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